Ibai's swamp river
More pics from my Terengganu trip. Went to the driving range in Ibai's Tuanku Mizan Golf & Country Club with both my sis and brother-in-law who came back for a hometown visit from Shanghai.
Golf is SO not my thing!!! Got bored after a dozen pitches.. blerghh.
Lucky for me, there's a swamp river beside the driving range. Spent half the time shooting there instead... hehh
No adventure, no thrill. Not my kind of sport - for now :P
... decided to take a walk and checkout the swamp river beside the driving range.
Ooo.. got fish around the riverbank
Crab hole.. hmm.. got crab?
oh yeah, lotsa tiny crabs.. what fun!
Here's another coming out from the hole
And it went back in when i put the cam closer.. ishh
It's so tiny i had to push the camera almost to the ground for these shots! No plans for telephoto lens though. Definitely too heavy for me. :P
Come out and play!
There are 6 fishes in this pic. Can you spot them all? :)
That's the plank i perched on while taking the pics above. Not that easy okay! Those fish and crabs didn't come out and just pose for the cam! The waiting game was quite fun though.. very calm and peaceful there and i had the entire place to myself! :)
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